# Star-Oddi HRT Analyzer changelog ## 1.3.2 - Points marked on top of the graphs directly above each peak, responsive select folder dialog 30.05.2024 * New points are marked on the graphs at the top most y-coordinate and with the same x-coordinates as the peaks. Since these points are all level it is easier to see the distance between the peaks and to estimate whether there is much variability in the time between heart beats. If the user has not put in any peaks then these points directly above the filter peaks. If the user has put in any peaks, these points will only be directly above the user's peaks and not the filter peaks. * The select folder dialog is responsive and shrinks as the program window shrinks. ## v 1.3.1 - New color scheme, larger points, adjustable y-axis, improved select folder dialog 26.04.2024 * Peaks (both user and filter selected) and bandpass graph have changed colors to a more color blind friendly color scheme * Peaks are larger than before so they are easier to see * The maximum and minimum values displayed on the y-axis of the graphs are now adjustable * Files and folders in the select folder dialog can be sorted by name and by date modified * Files and folders can be searched in the select folder dialog * Folders can be created from within the select folder dialog * If user has not selected any points on the graph and clicks the Save button, the Analyzer will set the user peaks to the same ones as the filter. ## v 1.3.0 - Feature release: New select folder dialog and new .UCL file type 26.02.2024 * A new dialog for selecting source, working and filter folders which shows the files inside the folders * A new file type is generated when annotating records. Its extension is .UCL (stands for User, Computer, Logger) and it contains BPM, HRV, and QI data from the user, the computer (filter), and the logger * Enhanced .DAT files include all the records from the original .DAT file, even ones that don't have ECG data * The records in user enhanced .DAT files use filter data if record has been processed but not annotated by the user. If neither the user og the computer has annotated the data, the logger data from the original .DAT file is used. * Two new columns in .HRV files. Nr. QRS (number of peaks in record) and Long (1 if the record is long, 0 if not) ## v 1.2.0 - Time Zone Support 29.08.2023 * Option to specify Time Zone of recorded data for correct unix timestamp calculation * General performance improvements * Bugfix: If processing a whole folder, the first two records in every HAT file were skipped. Fixed here. * Bugfix: Under certain conditions, user selected peaks were not stored. Fixed here. ## v 1.1.2 - Amplitude calculation & Configurable hotkeys 24.05.2023 * Automatic amplitude calculation for user selected and pc peaks. Stores min, max and average. * Layout changed to prevent the bottom buttons from disappearing below a scrollbar. Can still happen in fullscreen mode on ultra-wide displays. * Hotkeys for loading currently selected record as well as the previous and next. Hotkey for saving points to record. * All hotkeys are user configurable. * Bugfix: If a HAT file contains an unusually short record, it could sometimes hang up the application. ## v 1.1.1 - minor bugfixes * Hotkeys for loading previous or next record. Pressing the A key on the keyboard loads the previous record and pressing the D key loads the next record. ## v 1.1.0 - Feature release: Annotate processed graph and Combined HRV file * Performance improvements * User annotations are now visible on both the raw ECG and the bandpass processed graphs. * User can annotate directly on the bandpass processed graph. * A new HRV file that combines the PC processed records with those User processed records that exist. * Records that contain zero or one R-R interval are now included in the HRV file, with HRV set as -1. * An HRV file was not created if a HAT file used a dot as decimal separator for the seconds. * Analyzer will now warn the user if they attempt to load a HAT file that is missing the sampling frequency definition. ## v 1.0.5 - minor bugfixes * Bug where user annotated data doesn't get written to the .HRV file is fixed * Application generates a .CQI file for user annotated records in working folder when the 'save'-button is clicked * The "Process single record"-button gets re-enabled if an error occurs in the filter process * HRV calculations have precision of 0.01 ms ## v 1.0.4 - minor bugfixes * Applcation uses the period (1/sampling frequency) from the most appropriate built-in filter to calculate the BPM and HRV (user) if the record has not been processed. If the record has been processed, the period from the used filter is used. * The built-in filters dropdown shows only the appropriate filters for the currently loaded record i.e. HRT filters for HRT records and HRT-ACT filters for HRT-ACT records * Application highlights the built-in filter in the built-in filters dropdown that has the same sampling frequency as the currently loaded record. * Application shows a warning message if a filter is selected whose sampling frequency does not match the sampling frequency of the record. * Application can read .HAT and .DAT files where the date and time are separated by a tab. * Application works with a reconverted .DAT file where points have been removed. * If an error occurs while reading a .DAT file, the Analyzer continues without the data from that .DAT file. An error message is displayed saying that a .DAT file was found but could not be interpreted * ECG graph shows correct values when the x-axis is set to Time[ms]. * Analyzer shows a loading indicator and counter when record IDs are being read from the selected .HAT file and put into the ID dropdown. This process was also made faster. * The "Data saved to enhanced .DAT in working folder" text when the "save to enhanced .DAT" buttons are clicked does not disappear until a new record is loaded. * The "built in filters" dropdown shows only the filters appropriate for the logger type of the currently loaded record e.g. if a MHL record is loaded, the dropdown only contains MHL filters. * The "built in filters" dropdown shows the names of the filters rather than their file names. ## v 1.0.1 - minor bugfixes: * Installer defaults to a directory that works. * Better internal handling of ECG records. * Application stops the user from selecting data folders inside the application folder (for it will be erased when uninstalling).