Case studies

Star-Oddi Salinity Loggers Used to Monitor Estuaries and Coastal Areas
July 17. - 2024

Star-Oddi Salinity Loggers Used to Monitor Estuaries and Coastal Areas

For over two decades, Star-Oddi‘s small salinity loggers have been used to monitor changes in salinity and temperature levels in estuary and wetland areas.

Here are some reasons for considering the use of DST CT, conductivity and temperature logger, and DST CTD, conductivity, temperature and depth logger in this application.

Wide salinity range to capture the variations

The conductivity sensor is calibrated to capture environmental conditions of brackish to high salinity of seawater, with a measuring range of 3 to 68 mS/cm. This range is suitable to cover wide salinity fluctuations due to freshwater in-flow. The loggers can for example cover a salinity range from 2 to 64 PSU at 12°C sea temperature. A low conductivity range 0.1-6 mS/cm is available, for freshwater and slightly brackish.

Biofouling protection device for long term monitoring

When leaving the salinity logger unattended for a month or a longer period of time it is recommended to use our copper grid antibiofouling device in combination with our protective housing, to minimize the fouling on the conductivity cells.

Protective housing with anti biofuling device
Protective housing with anti biofuling device

Battery life up to 5 years

The lifetime of the logger depends on the defined sampling interval and frequency of use. As an example when measuring at 10 minute interval, the logger has energy capacity to last up to 5 years. Battery life is reported upon connection with the logger. Based on a defined sampling interval and study length, the user gets an estimate of the use of the battery and memory.

Easy to attach to gear

For flexibility with mounting and for protecting the logger, our plastic housing is recommended. With holes on top and bottom it is easy to strap or attach it to a mooring or a monitoring station.

Ideal for numerous monitoring locations

The use of these economical, small sized loggers with protective housing allows for multiple salinity monitoring stations to fit under a budget.

Viewing the data

The retrieved data is displayed with a time-stamp for each measurement. An example of estuary data profile can be seen below.

An example of estuary data profile
An example of estuary data profile

Want more information?

For further information on specifications and application visit our salinity loggers product page or send us an email at [email protected]

Publications on salinity and temperature studies using our loggers:

Photo: Mihai Andritoiu