
Star-Oddi at ICBF, 15th International Congress on the Biology of Fish
We will exhibit our small, implantable, data loggers that measure variables such as heart rate, activity, temperature and depth at 15th International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF) in Ann Arbor, USA, on June 23rd-27th.
Our product expert will answer questions on how these variables may benefit your studies, show real data examples, and demonstrate our free ECG analytical software HRT Analyzer. The HRT analyzer processes and validates the heart rate data and provides extensive ECG analysis.
With the HRT Analyzer you re-process your data, calculate Heart Rate Variability (HRV), min/max/average amplitude of QRS waveforms and the number of QRS waveforms within each record, in addition to heart rate and Quality Index (QI) validation.
There will be a raffle at our booth so stop by and earn a chance to win a set of heart rate data or activity loggers for your next project!