
ECG analysis made easy
Star-Oddi is proud to announce the official release of its ECG and heart rate analysis tool, HRT Analyzer, for users of Star-Oddi‘s heart rate loggers. With the use of the HRT Analyzer, users can process raw ECG data to further extend and improve the quality and usability of the data.
Originally used as an internal tool to develop our heart rate (HR) detection algorithm and quality index (QI), this software has received widespread acceptance by known industry experts worldwide. This analysis software is free of charge.
The Star-Oddi HRT Analyzer enables:
- Manual and computer assisted validation of HR and QI from the raw ECG data
- Post process ECG data with different filter options, needed to:
- Reduce movement artifacts
- Reduce EMG artifacts
- Reduce powerline interference
- Calculations of HRV (SDNN/rMSSD) from identified peaks within record
With the the release of this official version, it is possible annotate raw and bandpass filter data and combine computer and user annotated data in a single HRV file.