
Torpor and Hibernation Studies in Focus at SICB 2023
We are soon heading to Austin, Texas in the US to attend the SICB 2023, The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Conference. There we will be exhibiting our small, implantable physio-loggers.
The conference will take place 3rd-7th of January. If you are attending, we hope to meet you at our booth to discuss how the loggers can add value to your current and future studies. It does not matter if you study mammals, birds, fish or invertebrates - our loggers work with “almost” all animal models.
We want to highlight the Symposia: Daily torpor across birds and mammals: Recent progress and how do we advance the field? with leading experts in the field, some of who have used our loggers. Star-Oddi loggers have been used in torpor and hibernation studies in numerous animal models for over a decade. We have summarized these studies here.
Also, a newly published article by Abecia et al. may be of interest to you where our loggers were used in intravaginal sponges and implanted subcutaneously in ewes. Check it out.
As you may know, our loggers are suitable for vaccine studies, cardiovascular screening and to detect changes in activity. The logging only solution can be used in high biosafety levels, and in animals down to 20g. You can read more about virology research using our loggers here.
Feel free to reach out to us for further information on using Star-Oddi’s loggers in your research: [email protected].